In a heartwarming Christmas gesture, celebrated Ugandan artist Ykee Benda continues to show his dedication to giving back to the community. On Christmas Day, the singer, who recently acquired shares in Golden High School Nsagu and took on a directorial role, announced an extraordinary gift—500 scholarships for underprivileged students.
“As the boss of Mpaka Records, Ykee Benda is well-known for his musical talents, but his latest move reveals a deep commitment to uplifting his community beyond the entertainment world. His investment in Golden High School has made him a significant stakeholder, but more importantly, it underscores his mission to make quality education accessible to those who need it the most.”
The 500 scholarships are aimed at individuals facing financial challenges in their educational journey. By offering this support, Ykee Benda hopes to empower young people to pursue their dreams and improve their lives through education. His involvement in the educational sector highlights his dedication to fostering a brighter future for Uganda’s youth. As Ykee Benda steps into his new role as a director of Golden High School Nsagu, the institution is set for a positive transformation. His passion for both education and community well-being positions him as a key player in shaping the future of the local educational landscape. This philanthropic gesture is a powerful reminder that true success is not just about personal achievement, but also about giving back to those who need it most. Ykee Benda’s Christmas gift will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on many young lives.